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Chapter 2

Having solved the riddle, Sarah handed the Bible to James and the pair sprinted along the road to catch up. They had seen the tail end of the group turn left up the High Street. Rounding the corner and running up the hill they were greeted by a strange sight. The class were stationed as if chess pieces on an invisible board - all in formation but ‘socially distanced’ around a fallen centre-piece.


“I’ll be… all right… sir; I just need… a moment…” wheezed Andrew.


He lay on the ground, while those around wore concerned expressions but dared not get near. Sarah swiftly moved through the group as if a queen in this life-sized game of chess. She stood between Andrew and her teacher.


“Ah Sarah! Be a good lassie and fetch a First Aid Kit for us,” said the Colonel gesturing to the left, through a gate, and into a garden! “I’ll ring school and ask Mr E to collect us with Bertie the Bus.”


Sarah looked confused.


“In the caves girl, in the caves,” clarified her teacher pointing as if it would have been obvious to anyone that there should be supplies down there.

first aid.jpg

Sarah ran along the pathway to where it seemed to descend into the very earth itself. She pushed hard against the wooden door blocking entry and was greeted by a musty, damp smell. The cave’s cool, dank air swirled around as if interrogating this intruder while dust danced merrily around. Hastily, Sarah left the safety of the light at the doorway; and held out her arms to feel along the damp walls. But she couldn’t see the ground and stumbled and sprawled; tripped and toppled in a futile search.

That’s when she heard it.
A rough, eerie panting.
Then silence.
There it was again.
Or was it?

Sarah froze, wanting to melt into the shadows; but the treacherous cave whispered her position, echoing her breath.

Was the sound getting nearer?
Someone or something was getting nearer!
Closer still!

“ARRRRGGHHHH!” came a monstrous scream.

Sarah shrieked and ran for her life but her leg was caught, held in a vice-like grip. She fell, the monster lurched behind, pinning her to the floor.

Suddenly, light filled the room. Sarah blinked in panic, trying to make sense of her cold, rigid, unyielding attacker.


“What are you doing?” asked James, lifting the fallen metal shelving unit just high enough for Sarah to scramble out from underneath.

“I heard a scream! I thought I was being attacked.”

“Yes – sorry about that,” said James examining his bleeding hand, “That metal unit’s got sharp edges...

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