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Frank Cottrell Boyce

Did you know that Frank Cottrell Boyce carried out a great deal of research before writing Cosmic and he consulted a real Apollo astronaut, Alan Bean, who features in the story?

Which cover do you like best?        Why?

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You can see our ideas for a cover below right:

space window.JPG

Click to return to command control

YouTube with Frank!

Frank Cottrell-Boyce is offering to answer questions and read part of Cosmic on YouTube this week. :-)  

What would you like to ask Frank?

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Click here to read more of our questions for Professor Frank Cottrell-Boyce.

What would you like to ask Frank?

"Would you add anything to your 2012 Olympics opening ceremony now that we have lived through to 2020?" George

"Do you ever get fed up with a book you are writing and leave it and then come back to it again later to solve the problem? By Molly and Isla

"Out of all the different things you do, which would you say is the most important and why?

"Do you prefer to write by hand or using a keyboard and why?" By Sophie

"Why did you not number the chapters and make some chapters very short?" By Poppy

"Who reads the first draft of your book and why?" Ruby

"We found out that the Gobi Desert is usually a cold place. Why did you decide to make it hot?" Leo

I notice that the book is set in Bootle in Liverpool where you were born.  Do you often include details about yourself in your books? By George

Time to be Frank! - Our Questions...

Here are some alternative book covers designed by Class 5.

Art from the space-race period had a very particular style. Click on the poster on the left to find out about space-race and cold war propoganda.


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Here are some letters and questions for Frank as well as book reviews of Cosmic...
(Use the arrows to navigate or right-click to be able to download.)
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