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First rover on Mars





First mission to land on Mars

Life on Mars?

Did you know that robots have explored Mars?

If you click on Ana's lego picture below you can see real3D photography from the Mars landscape.




Ana Mars 2.jpg

Is there life..?

Ana Mars.JPG

Click on Ana's lego picture below to see real pictures from Mars curiosity mission. to see real photos from NASA's Curiosity space mission to s

space window.JPG

Click to return to command


Click on the picture to play Gustav Holst's 'The Planets' complete suite of classical music starting with Mars.



BBC Earth and Space Topics

BBC Bitesize - The Solar System

BBC Bitesize - The Rock Planets

BBC Bitesize - The Gas Planets

BBC bitesize planets.jpg

What is the Solar System like?

Did you know that a long time ago people thought objects like the moon might be made of food?


On the right are some sweet models of the Solar System made by the class! 




The Otford Solar System

Did you know that there is a scale model of the Solar System in Otford, Kent to celebrate the Millennium? 


You can visit the website here...


It is important to check our facts.

Here is Nolwenn's fact sheet and sources...  



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